How Do We Convert MSWMM to MP4, AVI, WMV, MP3, MOV?

How do I convert mswmm to WMV, MP4, AVI, MPG, FLV, MP3 and any other formats? I tried many video converters including a few so-called MSWMM converter online solutions, but they don’t work at all.

Q: How to convert MSWMM to MP4 video or WMM to MP4? I have saved lots of WMM files on my PC, but failed to share them on YouTube. I really need help!

Q: How to get the audio from my MSWMM files? In other words, how can I convert MSWMM to MP3 audio? Any suggestions?

If similar problem also bothers you, you’re in the right place now. I want to share you the best solutions to convert MSWMM to MP4, MSWMM to WMV, MSWMM to AVI, MSWMM to MP3 and to any other video and audio formats. But before that, I guess some of you may want to know more about MSWMM, why we can only play MSWMM by Windows Movie Maker and how to convert MSWMM to other formats with ease.

Convert MSWMM to WMV, MP4, AVIConvert MSWMM to WMV, MP4, AVI

Time for What, Why, How

MSWMM, as a project file created by Microsoft Windows Movie Maker, is not a regular video file format. Yep, as for converting MSWMM, it’s just like to convert WLMP, or convert TRECconvert WRF file or files created by some other video-editing applications. MSWMM files are not actually video files, which contains pointers to various media files created by Windows Movie Maker. They are special. That’s why you can’t play MSWMM files with your VLC, Windows Media Player, let alone your portable gadgets.

Windows Movie Maker is the only program that can read and open the MSWMM files, as these files are not widely supported. Thus, if you want to play MSWMM on your portable devices on iPhone, iPad, and even on your smart HD TVs, or you try to upload it on Facebook or YouTube to share the works with others, you’ll be disappointed. But indeed you can deal with such problem very well, following the steps.

4 Steps to Convert MSWMM File to Any Video and Audio Formats

Step 1 Save MSWMM File as Video

To play MSWMM file on the go, we’d first convert the file to normal video file format. Load the MSWMM file to Windows Movie Maker now.

Open the drop-down list at top left corner. Click “Save Movie”—> “For computer”. The MSWMM file can be saved as a WMV video.

MSWMM ConversionMSWMM Conversion

Step 2 Import Saved File to the MSWMM Converter

Now let’s start to convert the exported MSWMM file. Drag this file to the converter or you can click “Add Files” for input. The built-in batch conversion mode is right for it.

If you have saved multiple WMV files, you are allowed to add them in batch.

How to Convert MSWMM File to MP4How to Convert MSWMM File to MP4

Step 3 Set Output Format like MP4, AVI, MPG, MOV, MP3, AAC

Open the drop-down list on the right of the main interface. Select an output format from the list.

Tip: If you’d like to play your MSWMM works on portable devices like iPad, iPhone, Android, Samsung Smartphone, Kindle Fire, etc or share it on social networks, directly select a device model or web video profile like YouTube compatible format. So you don’t need to search online “what’s the best specs for YouTube”. The converter has preset optimized settings.

Choose an Output ProfileChoose an Output Profile

Step 4 Start the MSWMM to Other Formats Conversion

We come to the last step. Press the “Run” button to start the conversion. After finishing the conversion in the shortest time possible, transfer the converted file to your portable devices to enjoy at your fingertips.

Some Extra Useful Tips

You can convert the saved MSWMM video file to any video and audio formats and the MSWMM converter’s Smart Fit function will help you preserve its original image and sound quality. Moreover, the MSWMM file converter can convert the saved MSWMM video to HD video formats like HD AVI, HD TS, HD TRP, HD WMV and 4K videos.

If the sound of your original file is too low, you are able to increase audio volume with the converter’s volume booster. Besides, you can also use this converter to download 4K video, 360 degree video and VR video from YouTube.

Download VideoDownload Video

Download online video to device

Besides converting .MSWMM to MP4, also you can use the software to download uploaded MSWMM works within few clicks.


Here’s the whole tutorial about how to convert MSWMM to MP4, convert MSWMM to AVI, MSWMM to MOV (and more formats) with easy steps.

Related External Resource

Windows Movie Maker: Formerly known as Windows Live Movie Maker, it is freeware video editing software by Microsoft.

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